
Colchester and District Archery Club (CADAC) Constitution

September 2022

1A. Membership of the club shall be open to anyone interested in the sport on application, regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs, except as a necessary consequence of the requirements of archery. The club may have different classes of membership and subscription on a non-discriminatory and fair basis. The club will keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating. The club committee may refuse membership, or remove it, only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring the club or sport into disrepute. Appeal against refusal or removal may be made to the members as detailed in the club’s disciplinary policy.

1B. All surplus income or profits are to be reinvested in the club. No surpluses or assets will be distributed to members or third parties.

1C. Upon dissolution of the club any remaining assets shall be given or transferred to another registered CASC, a registered charity or the sport’s governing body for use by them in related community sports.

2. The main purposes of the club are to provide facilities for and to promote participation in the amateur sport of Archery in Colchester and the surrounding area.

3A. The committee may create honorary members of those persons who are deemed to have given special and sustained service to archery or the club. At the Committee’s discretion the County, Regional and National affiliation fees will be paid by the club.

3B. New members will be accepted regardless of ability but must complete a suitable beginners’ course, or must have appropriate archery experience such that members of the committee are satisfied as to their safety.

3C. The membership subscription, due each year by the 30th of September, will consist of the following as applicable:
i. County fee
ii. Regional fee
iii. Archery GB fee
iv. Club fee
v. Indoor fee

3D. Membership subscriptions for the following year will be reviewed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

3E. All members whose subscriptions have not been paid by 1st September (for 2020) or 1st October (for 2021 onwards) will, after notification in writing to the last address in the club records, be excluded from membership. Such exclusion will take effect 1 week after the date of
posting, unless an acceptable reason is given.

3F. The club fee part of the subscription payable by NEW members will be as follows. Joining between:
1st October and 31st December: 100%
1st January and 31st March: 75%
1st April and 30th June: 50%
1st July and 30th September: 25%

3F. No longer applicable …

3G. Members can be given a key to the club hut on payment of a deposit. A register of key holders will be maintained and the committee may impose a fee for replacement keys.

4A. The club officers will be the President, Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. The club Trustees will be the Secretary and Chairperson.

4B. The club officers will be elected annually at the AGM The Secretary and Treasurer, unless circumstances dictate otherwise, should not hold office for more than 3 consecutive years.

4C. Club funds will be kept under the Club’s name in a Bank or Building Society of the committee’s choice. Withdrawals will be on any 2 signatures of at least 3 nominated committee members.

5A. The club’s AGM should be held annually not more than 1 month before the end of the club’s year on the 30th September.

5B. The AGM will be called by the Secretary in writing to each member not less than 42 days before the date of the meeting. For an agenda to be circulated, any member wishing to have any special business discussed must give notice to the secretary in writing with full details, not later than 28 days before the date of the meeting.

5C. At the AGM the following business will be included:
1. To receive the minutes of the previous AGM and to approve them
2. To receive the audited accounts for the previous year and approve them
3. To receive a report on the year from each of the club officers
4. To receive an inventory of the assets of the club
5. To elect officers for the coming year
6. To elect roles as detailed in 6A.
7. Any other business which has been properly notified.

5D. At any other time, a special general meeting may be called either by the committee, by the President or by not less than one-third of the club members. Reasonable notice must be given.

5E. At any committee or general meeting, a quorum will consist of 4 committee members of whom 2 must be officers of the club. If a quorum is not available, the meeting must be adjourned.

5F. At any committee or general meeting, the president or in their absence one of the club officers as chairman will have a casting vote in addition to their own and may adjourn the meeting at their discretion.

5G. Any Club Officer may postpone a meeting with the Secretary’s agreement.

5H. At all general meetings any decision may be made by a simple majority of the members present and the received written proxy votes. Any amendment to the constitution must be passed by a two-thirds majority of those present and the received written proxy votes.

6A. The responsibility for the running of the club will be vested in a committee consisting of the club officers, a Records Officer, Equipment Officer, Tournament Organiser(s) (as appropriate), Safeguarding Officer, and 1 ordinary member per 50 members or part thereof.

6B. The committee may co-opt members of the club onto the committee. If more than 2 of the club’s officers have to be appointed during the year, then a special general meeting must be called.

6C. Committee meetings may be called by any Club Officer at any time so long as reasonable notice is given.

7A. Notice of resignation, either from office or membership, must be not less than 28 days, in writing to the Secretary.

7B. Any member who does not comply with the rules of the Club, Archery GB or the Archery GB code of conduct will be liable to be dealt with under the Club’s Disciplinary Procedure. The Disciplinary Procedure is agreed by the committee and stored with the Club’s documents and on the Club’s website.

7C. A member will be subject to the club’s Rules of Shooting. Breach of these rules will make that member liable to dismissal from the membership of the club.