252 Badge Rules

An archer may shoot a 252 round at any time of their choosing – however – another archer must witness your score for each end and co-sign your 252 score sheet as ‘Target Captain’.

You can use the first 36 (3-dozen) arrows of a longer Imperial round towards a 252 badge but please clearly mark your scorecard “252” so that our Records Officer (Jason Page) can pass the result to the 252 Badge Officer (Mike Huard) once the round has been officially recorded.

Your chosen round can be shot at the following distances: 10yds, 20yds, 30yds, 40yds, 50yds, 60yds, 80yds & 100yds.

  • You must elect to start the 252 round before shooting your sighters (i.e. you should not shoot excessive sighters as ‘practice ends’).
  • You get 6 sighter arrows.
  • You shoot 3 dozen arrows (6 arrows x 6 ends) at a 122cm target face at your chosen distance.
  • You score the round using the five-zone ‘Imperial’ scoring method (9,7,5,3,1).
  • You ask your colleague to witness the score before arrows are drawn after each end.
  • For each round that you achieve the required minimum of 252 points scored (or better), you can claim a badge (only one badge at each distance can be claimed irrespective of bow type).
  • You can now submit as many badge claims per day as you desire. So you could complete every badge, 10 to 100 yards in one day if you wish!!!
  • You need only achieve the 252 score once to claim that particular distance badge.
  • You may shoot the distances in any order.

“252” Badges will be awarded at the monthly “Ron Sharp” competition Sunday shoots. If you miss your presentation the badge will be in the grey box file in the club hut.

There are adjusted target scores for Compound/Longbow/ Barebow archers – see table below.

Score sheets can be found in the yellow folder in the club hut, and successful score sheets can be placed in the same folder.

Minimum scores required to achieve the 252 badges for different bow types are:

Note that the 252 Scheme does not count towards your handicap or classification levels.

252 rules (version 1.4 – August 2024)