Ron Sharp

The Ron Sharp league is a CADAC internal competition shot monthly, consisting of National rounds in the summer months and Frostbite rounds in the winter months. Links showing the results of previous years are at the bottom of this page.

Competition Rules

  1. The Ron Sharp Trophy is open to all full members of the Colchester & District Archery Club and is made up of 12 handicap shoots. throughout the calendar year, running from January to December.
  2. The handicap scores from each month’s handicap shoot, including the Club Championship handicap shoot and the Frostbite shoots are used in the Ron Sharp Trophy.  The scores are collected each month by the competition organiser.
  3. Each competitor’s lowest three scores throughout the year, will not be included in their final total for the year, therefore each competitor’s final total will be the sum of a maximum of nine shoots.
  4. If a competitor misses any month’s shoot, then their score for that month will be zero. This may be counted as one of the three lowest scores.
  5. Anyone shooting a handicap shoot on the designated date and time will automatically be entered into the competition.
  6. Shoots from April to October are shot over any National or Warwick round (the round is agreed by the majority of archers on the day of the shoot). The Club Championship shoot, typically held in September, is shot over an American round (or national round for members not able to shoot 60yds distance)
  7. Normal handicap competition scores and rules apply.
  8. Shoots in January, February, March, November and December, are shot over a Frostbite round.  Normal Frostbite rules apply. As Frostbite round score a maximum of 360, a handicap allowance will be used to adjust the Frostbite to a 1,440 scored round.
  9. Any monthly score of 999 or less will be rounded up to 1000 for anyone who completes a round. Any monthly score of 1501 or over will be rounded down to 1500.
  10. If an archer completes a handicap round on the appropriate day during the months of April to October, but they do not have a personal handicap, their handicap score will instead be calculated using a zero handicap. The minimum 1000 points and maximum 1500 points rule still applies. 

This means that an example score sheet throughout the year might look like this:

example score sheet …

The competition winner is the archer with the highest total after their three lowest scores have been dropped (in bold italic above).

Rules concerning handicap change in 2023

  1. Archers start the 2023 season with a zero handicap and will not gain a new handicap until the requisite rounds are shot
  2. If an archer had a handicap at the end of 2022, it will be used for the first 6 months of this competition.
  3. If any archers who did not have a handicap at the end of 2022 shoot qualifying rounds in the first 6 months, the club will keep an unofficial handicap to use for the first 6 months of this competition.
  4. From July onwards, only handicaps in the new 2023 system will be used for this competition. This allows archers at least 3 months in the summer season to gain a new handicap.

Historical Data:

  • 2022 – Winner Jason Page
  • 2021 – Cancelled due to Covid-19
  • 2020 – Only 3 months shot due to Covid 19
  • 2019 – Winner Allan Strain
  • 2018 – Winner Mark Cutting